COUNTERINTELLIGENCE How To Analyze and Uproot I nternationa I Terrorism The following analysis was released by U.S. Labor Party Chairman Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. on January 26. 1978. In the interest of the United States and its allies. I cause various kinds of relevant information to be made available to European security agencies responsible for antiterrorism. This includes information received from reliable sources which wish that information trans­ mitted. It also includes evaluations and knowledge developed through the specialized capabilities of myself and my associates. There have been many complaints against my own and my associates' activities to this effect. complaints from the associates and sympathizers of the terrorists and "zero-growthers.' , Some of this information is "sensitive." and therefore is not and should not be publicized outside appropriate channels. Certain sources must be protected from public identification. Innocent people in the same milieu with terrorist-linked persons must not be subjected to avoid­ able injuries to their reputations. Sound working hypo­ theses of a criminal investigation. however sound. ought not to appear in public print except as strictly necessary for preventing criminal activity. Nonetheless. some of this information transmitted to security agencies ought to be given the widest public cir­ culation. The public has the right to be informed of the basic facts concerning international terrorism. Public knowledge of the nature of the terrorist problem is also essential to provide appropriate state agencies with the mandate for the measures those agencies must employ to fight terrorism effectively. The following report is exemplary of the sort of in­ formation developed by myself and my associates which ought to be made public. Through reliable, and partially through confidential sources, we have received briefing-information concern­ ing the objectives of British intelligence agencies behind the new, current phase of international terrorism. Those British agencies - unless prevented - intend to mount the worst wave of terrorism to date - inclusive of Italy, France and the Federal Republic of Germany - and to lay a trail of false evidence leading to East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and other East bloc nations. This false trail will emphasize the nominally "leftist" self-desig­ nation of certain British networks. and will also employ British intelligence networks in the East bloc and certain "Third World" nations. Although the intelligence services of some of the tar­ geted nations know that British intelligence is behind the terrorism, those intelligence services complain justly that their governments so far refuse to give them the needed authority to go after British intelligence networks as such. This misguided refusal by governments is based on fears which are variously diplomatic, financial and internal-political. The leadership of certain parties such as the Socialist Party of France, the Lombardi­ Craxi leadership of the Socialist Party of Italy - are deeply involved in international terrorist networks and also agents-of-influence of British intelligence services. Thus. any open attack on British intelligence means some degree of internal political crisis, because of the reaction by parties and fractions of parties under British influences. This is complicated by the fact that elements of the United States policy-establishment are British agents-of­ influence - e.g., Henry Kissinger, Walter F. Mondale, William F. Buckley, et al. Although the electoral base for these forces is between 20 and 30 percent of the U.S. elec­ torate, British ag ents-of-influence have a disproportion­ ate penetration of elements of the U.S. Executive branch. Hence. honest Americans are sometimes obliged to em­ ploy indirect means for assisting our European allies in the fight against environmentalism and terrorism. The following report covers two vital features of Brit­ ish intelligence's international terrorist networks. First, the general way in which terrorist-controlled networks are organized. Second, the crucial features which must be isolated to determine whether or not the terrorist and terrorist-sympathizer organizations are British or not. The point is that terrorism can be stopped at the source if appropriate political penalties are applied to suitable elements of British networks. Strike the hydra in the head, and the rest of the British-terrorist network is rather easily mopped up. As long as governments pursue the diplomatic course of pretending that the inter­ national terrorism problem is not British, the terrorism problem will simply become worse and worse. How Terrorist Networks Are Organized The majority of terrorist networks are set up in a manner intended to defy tracing responsibility to the source. British intelligence networks control elements of political parties. universities, professional associ ations. trade union organizations, corporations. and so forth. In addition. British intelligence creates various kinds of or- EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW COUNTERINTELLIGENCE 1 ganizations, such as "environmentalist" groups, "peace movements," and so forth. British intelligence then penetrates these organizations with a different sort of organization. These latter are organizations which have a nastier quality than the organizations they penetrate. However, usually, most of the operatives of this second set of networks have no direct knowledge of the net­ work's control by British intelligence. That is the simplest form of the type of British intel­ ligence network relevant to the terrorist problem. More complex arrangements are simply that: more complex applications of the same method of splittin g and cross­ penetrating one's own covert-use organizations. The effect of this arrangement is principally twofold. First, the pumping of material resources through a "peace movement" or "environmentalist" organization, or a section of a party, trade union and so forth is not in it­ self a visible offense. However, the effect is to place part of those resources at the disposal of the other organiza­ tions which penetrate the first. (A study of the material aid flowing into the Hamburg Maoist Arbeiterkampi ( "Workers Struggle") and KBN groups would reveal this pattern.) With a witting, complicit British agent or agent-of-influence in the first organization, the pathway is eased for such penetration operations of the second. This illustrative case represents a two-layer "safe­ house" arrangement for inserting the terrorist-network operation. Now, the penetrating organization is itself penetrated by the British-intelligence network which runs the terrorism. For example, in tracing the connection to the Longo Mai "commune" in France, our sources first encoun­ tered camps in Belgium involving documents leading directly to Second International zero-growth ideologue Sicco Mansholt. From these Belgium camps selected, profiled participants were led into sex-and-drug camps in France (in one case, adjoining the Pyrenees.) After a subject's extended conditioning in these sex-and-drug camps, the subject was recruited to the Longo Mai camp, where terrorist weapons training was given. The Belgian end of the terrorist operation was directly linked to Ric­ cardo Lombardi of the Socialist Party of Italy, and to the British Mafia operation in the south of Italy. Further­ more, through financial networks centered around Geneva, save-houses for terrorists were operating for Longo Mai graduates and other terrorists, in the region north of Lake Geneva, as well as the old British Special Operations Executive safe-house in the south of France near the Italian border. A terrorist operation in West Germany, such as the kid­ napping and murder of industrialist leader Hanns-Mar­ tin Schleyer, is thus staged from the indicated French­ speaking region of Switzerland, in which region "green border" operations into adjoining areas of France are relevant. Among the available sources of funds for such opera­ tions is the British-controlled international drugs and arms traffic. From the "silver triangle" in the British West Indies, an indicated $8 billion annual valuation of combined heroin, cocaine, and marijuana is conducted, with a large portion of the funds "laundered" through Eurodollar market banks. The magnitude of British intelligence-coordinated international drug traffic 2 COUNTERINTELLIGENCE through Hong Kong and Singapore as well as the British West Indies circuits and Canadian British-intelligence channels - is estimated to equal the level of the petro­ dollar flow of surplus funds. Thus, although the terrorists have so far run chiefly under a "left" cover, the operation is directly connected to the neofascist networks, including the British Mafia and "Corsican Brotherhood." The available model case for British terrorist opera­ tions is given by U.S. intelligence services' �onitoring and neutralization of a projected " Black September" terrorist operation against the United States scheduled for early 1974. The results of that investigation were matched with British-Peking operations in Canada and with British-intelligence drug-running into the United States through the Canadian provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, and the city of Montreal. In this matter, with considerable helpful information supplied to us by several concerned security services, we were able to get directly to the core of the British intelligence operation. The "Black September" operation, which we have ex­ posed previously, was summarily as follows. Captured Soviet arms were shipped, in U.S. wrap­ pings, from an airfield depot outside London. They were received in Toronto, Canada, at the premises of a Yemen Airlines office. There, the weapons, destined for "Black September" operations in the United States, were in­ spected under the supervision of a top British agent, an old British Special Operations Executive operative, whose regular assignment is the interface between U.S. Maoist organizations and Peking. The fact that a U.S. intelligence operative penetrated this aspect of the operation most probably led to the operation being scrapped. U.S. intelligence penetration of the network was made possible through initial penetration of the Ku Klux Klan (also created by British intelligence in the 19th century, with participation of former Confederate Treasurer Judah Benjamin, a Rothschild agent allied with August Belmont.) . This penetrated a joint Maoist-Ku Klux Klan­ linked gun and drug-running operation in the Reading, Pennsylvania area. This was a cutout arms depot for ex­ plosives and weapons, which supplied various terrorist groups in the U.S., including the Weathermen. (Later investigation of this connection turned up Henry Kis­ singer's authorization of covert gun-running into Lebanon.) The Maoist network associated with Ku Klux Klanners in operating the Reading-area arms depot was both a part of the drug-networks of the Institute for Policy Studies, and a Maoist group under the leadership of the same William Hinton who worked closely with Canadian­ based British intelligence in his travels to and from Peking, China. Not only did Reading lead to the Black September base in Toronto, but the same British Special Operations Executive agents in charge of the Black September operation were otherwise linked to Reading through William Hinton's Maoist activities. Although the Institute for Policy Studies' links to Brit­ ish intelligence usually operate under a left-to-li beral denomination (London Institute for Race Relations, Holland's Transnational Institute), the connection to the EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW Ku Klux Klan in the Reading area is not untypical of the neo-Fabian's rightwing affiliations. Major funding of the now-liquidated CounterSpY-Fifth Estate operation. to which Philip Agee's name is most notoriously associated. came through the Eli Lilly Foundation. which like Milton Friedmann. is usually associated with funding "extreme right-wing" organizations. Just as EEC Commissioner Roy Jenkins's circles were associated with the creation of the London Institute for Race Relations. so Winston Churchill III is presently a central figure in maintaining British intelligence's "con­ servative" networks. British "liberal" networks are of major importance. as are British fascist networks. Brit­ ish intelligence comes in all colors of the nominalists' political spectrum in every part of the world. The importance of this fact is that the British are able to set up what are ostensibly violently antagonistic "right." "left." and "liberal" networks in various na­ tions. and then to abruptly deploy these in coordinated fashion for concerted effect at a point of British intel­ ligence's choosing. For example, the bulk of the "black nobility" in Italy - the descendants of the "Black Guelphs" of the 14th century - are presently working hand-in-hand with the Italian Maoists. Trotskyists. and terrorists. with the Mafia. and with the networks of Socialist Party figure Riccardo Lombardi. in Henry Kissinger's projected 90day "Chile Scenario" for Italy. Except in such cases as the cited "Black September" operation. security services seldom get through the tangle of cross-penetrating cut-outs through which Brit­ ish intelligence deploys its international terrorism. Cutting Through the Screen Although it is unavoidable. indispensable. to attack the terrorist problem as such, no general success can be gained by lim'iting countermeasures to this level of ap­ proach. On that level one is fighting a hydra's many, pro­ liferating tentacles. One might strike the hydra in the vital center, kill it, and then the arms are easily elim­ inated. The "Old Man of the Mountain." Hassan ibn Saba. (leader of the Ismailis in the late 11th and early 12th century -ed.) were he alive. would have none of the conceptual difficulties which have weakened the effec­ tiveness of most European security agencies to date in dealing with this problem. It is a slander that Hassan ibn Saba's "Assassins" were indiscriminate killers. On the contrary, the Ismaili assassins were a counterterror force, whose targets were , always selected most carefully to eliminate key op­ pressors of the Middle East populations. For example, the Assassin's unfortunately unsuccessful effort in send­ ing 40 agents to attempt to eliminate Ghenghis Khan. What sort of morality is it which states that nations and persons have no right to efficiently defend themselves against brutal murder of the sort represented by British international terrorism today? Assassination of a key figure behind terrorism is not recommended of course, except to stop an impending crime which can be stopped in no other way. Such des­ perate measures need not be required if other, political means are used in time. I am informed that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (l7th and 18th century German philosopher. mathematician, and Humanist'- ed.) understood this correctly. It is the political measures for stopping terrorism we propose here. Only if the public press creates such a clamor against British responsibility for international terrorism, so that British interests are penalized gen­ erally as a result of this scandal, can one create so large a penalty for Lazard Brothers, Barings, N.M. Roth­ schild, Winston Churchill III. et aI., that they will abandon their terrorism as a practice made visibly con­ trary to their most vital interests. The essential motive behind British terrorism and en­ vironmentalism is identical with British opposition to the Luxembourg market, British slanders against the Dresdner bank, and then the British terrorists' murder of Dresdner's head Jiirgen Ponto, British efforts to wreck the u.S. dollar and loot the u.S. economy, British efforts to sabotage Middle East peace, British efforts to ignite a global confrontation around a British-created war in the Horn of Africa, and British efforts, aided by British agents in high positions within the United States, to crush the economies of West Germany and Japan with a hyper­ inflationary depression. The British loudly. shamelessly advertise such objec­ tives in the press controlled by the same Barings, Lazards, and Rothschilds who control the Round Table. the Royal Institute for International Affairs, and the London International Institute for Strategic Studies. These ruling British forces, the avowed enemies of the entire human species, shamelessly declare war on the human species, and yet the governments of the nations targeted for victimization profess to be incredulous when we insist that the Royal Institute for International Af­ fairs. the policy-arm of British MI-5 and MI-6, is behind international terrorism and environmentalism. This incredulousness despite the fact that every organization generating those policies for which the terrorists act is a creation of British intelligence networks. They profess to be incredulous even though every known link of the terrorists comes back to a British intelligence network doorstep. The problem is not that they lack facts. but that they are afraid to face those available facts which lead over­ whelmingly to the proper conclusion. Indeed, the British laugh at these governments' failure of nerve on just that point. It is the politicians who block relevant intelligence and security forces from pursuing leads pointing to Brit­ ish intelligence networks. It is fearful politicians who prevent their governments from developing the sort of ' anti-British counterintelligence capabilities needed to cope with the terrorist problem. The citizens must give their governments the courage to take the necessary measures, the courage to face the facts so abundantly available. Let me put it this way. Were I a head of state of any principal European nation, I would clean up the terror­ ism problem in short order. It is not that means do not exist. but that the combined will and perception to prop­ erly employ those means is wanting in the political leadership. I am not without sympathy for the problems of Presidents and Prime Ministers in this connection; fully knowing those problems, at least their nature, I in­ sist that the existence of nations demands a correspond- EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW COUNTERINTELLIGENCE 3 ing courage by national leaders. There are two kinds of facts which are crucial to deter­ mining British responsibility for international terrorism from case to case. The first. not conclusive by itself. is "Who benefits? " The second. which is decisive. is "What is the national origin of the state of mind of the terrorist? To what national interest and national philosophical out­ look does that state of mind belong? " For example. the zero-growth ideology is endemic in many nations. but. among developed nations. is char­ acteristic only of the national ideology of Great Britain. This is most conclusive in dealing with organized groups which represent themselves as "leftist." The Marxian socialist movement among factory work­ ers and their supporters has always been. somewhat like Marx himself. progrowth. protechnological progress. Among Marxists. it was the failure of capitalism to con­ tinue the process of technologically advancing expansion of the economy which classically defined the point at which objective ripeness for socialist transformation ap­ pears. When the sociology of this view among working people is taken into account. it is impossible for socialist political groups concerned with the interests of working people to "independently" endorse zero-growth ideas. let alone condone violence against technological progress. Among today's "leftists" some alien intervention has occurred. The zero-growth or Malthusian outlook has a long history. which aids us in rigorously assessing the inner national loyalties of those who espouse it. Its ancient form. continuing to the present day. is what was known during the time of Aristotle as "the Persian model." and otherwise known as the "oligarchical principle." Except­ ing the oligarchical strata to which this view is endemic. it has never appeared spontaneously among any urban­ ized section of the population except among lumpenpro­ letarian strata ... over a period of approximately two and a half thousand years! Industrialist-capitalist. skilled and semi-skilled workers. and scientific-professional strata are incapable of secreting such oligarchical or zero-growth views as characteristic of their strata. This policy is associated over two-and-a-half-thousand years with an alliance of landlord-oligarchies with those financier-oligarchies which practice usury rather than productive investment. These oligarchical forces have always based themselves on the most backward rural strata plus the lumpen strata of urbanized regions. Since the accession of the Welfen (Guelph) house to the throne of England. and Welfen alliance with the House of Orange. Holland and England have been the leading national bastions of Welfish or "Malthusian­ irrationalist" policy. Continental Europe and the United States have been anti-Malthusian. except to the extent that Anglo-Dutch networks have imposed or insinuated a contrary policy. .. In the modern worl d. a ny section of urban populations which adopts a Malthusian outlook is ipso facto an agent of Anglo-Dutch ideological influence. whether wittingly or not. Since the British military expedition led by Marlborough at the beginning of the 18th century. and more emphatically since 1815. the British and their Dutch allies have built up deep networks linked to Lon­ don in every nation of continental Europe in particular. 4 COUNTERINTELLIGENCE As the case of the "black nobility" of Italy illustrates. these British networks have coopted the vestiges of the old Welf-allied networks of Europe going back approx­ imately a thousand years in some instances. It is this feature of British networks which most com­ pletely escapes the powers of comprehension of the security agency which seeks to uncover networks it pre­ sumes to have been established ex novo during a recent few years or a decade or so. Family traditions and asso­ ciations. in some cases going back more or less con­ sciously 1.000 years. are the inner aspect of the British in­ telligence networks. These old families are the hard core of that oligarchy of financial and feudal traditions which is the inner core of British intelligence today. The Welfish monarchies of Britain and Holland are being used as that international oligarchy's present home base. the national royal powers through which the exertion of the oligarchy as a whole are provided a coordinating focus and conduit of national power. These families are embedded in various institutions of each nation. Despite individual and other defections from the oligarchical traditions among these families. the core which continues to adhere to that oligarchical tradition represents aggregately a large force for Anglo-Dutch corruption in the governments and major private institutions of power in various nations. Around these families are gathered a secondary layer of plebians. These plebians of the next-to-inner circles in­ clude leading intelligence and political families going back a generation or two. certain families with a legal­ professional tradition. and so forth and so on. Around these there is an outer layer of agents. trusted. deemed useful. but not really on the "inside." Henry Kissinger is typical of this sort. Around these strata. another layer of agents. and so. down to the pathetically demented in­ dividual environmentalist or terrorist. Apart from the determination of the oligarchy to domi­ nate the world. the larger mass of the oligarchical fac­ tion is characterized by personal, heteronomic ambition to rise to the hierarchy. Reality, the consequences of policy for the human species, is not an object of concern. What is of concern is competition to make a reputation for oneself within the oligarchical hierarchy. usually at the expense of some competitor. They are vicious. paranoid sycophants. Most of the agents of these networks are largely unwit­ ting of the network as a whole. They are corrupted per­ sons. who usually know only that certain contacts and possible contacts have the power to improve or worsen the individual's state of affairs. that such contacts have influence which reaches more or less mysteriously into high places. They sense themselves - usually without knowing - to be part of a mysterious power independent of governments. with an entirely distorted perception of the reality this involves. By step-by-step conditioning of their perceptions. various elements of such networks can be induced to adopt "belief systems" and do deeds at the discretion of the oligarchy as a whole. Thus. the British intelligence system does not operate in the main on the basis of a standard table of organiza­ tion. It operates through manipulations. such that the individual down the line is induced to adopt beliefs and perform deeds without being aware of the way in which EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW this is arranged. Today, British-networks' control of major portions of the press, of radio and television broadcasting, of mass entertainment, book distribution, foundations which shape the policies of universities, and so forth, are the most essential "Rahmen" of British terrorism. Certain prominent newspapers and magazines do not themselves issue instructions to terrorists in the ordinary sense of in­ structions, but they do shape the public perception of developments in a manner which is absolutely indispen­ sable to the kind of international terrorism Britain presently deploys. The development of the form of linguistics associated with Rand Corporation associate Noam Chomsky and re­ lated development of controlled schizophrenia at the Tavistock Institute, are an essential part of British inter­ national terrorism. These brainwashing methods, pro­ posed by Bertrand Russell during the 1920s, and de­ veloped in part by Russell, Karl Korsch and R. Carnap during the 1930s, are the techniques now used for "programming" journalism in the way required to develop the controlled environment of public opinion indispensable to the kind of international terrorism we face today. The terrorist operation depends upon a predictable re­ sponse from a major portion of the press and other "com­ munications media." In addition to this, without the buildup of the fraudulent "environmentalist" doctrine by a corrupt press, without press build-up of fascist Maoist and other bandits as "leftist," the present form of inter­ national terrorism could not function. Yet, excepting such chic individuals as Feltrinelli, there is no direct connection between the Baader­ Meinhof gang terrorists and the complicit press. The con­ nection exists, if one traces the training of journalists to such locations as the BBC or other parts of the British intelligence network, if one traces the financial connec­ tions of certain newspaper and magazines, the pedigrees of certain publishers and editors, and if one also traces the connections leading back to Lazard Brothers in London for the terrorist networks. The corrupt press and the terrorists apparently are not directly connected, except through a common "mother" squatting at the London Round Table. Not only can such connections be established, but it can be shown that there is a close correlation between orders issued from London and shifts in behavior of both the terrorists and the corrupt media. Both are acting in parallel according to the current "party line" issued from London. Clean It Up! I have had personally approximately 10 years of con­ tinuously fighting British international terrorism, begin­ ning with events around New York City in 1968. I had then the advantage of seeing the direct connection among Herbert Marcuse, the Ford Foundation, the Institute for Policy Studies and the systematic creation of the Weatherman terrorists. Over the intervening years, through collaboration with my immediate associates, and later with other forces combatting the same evil, I have a better scientific knowledge of the British men­ tality than perhaps any other living person, and there­ fore a better analytical understanding of British inter­ national terrorism than anyone outside the inner ranks of British intelligence itself. I know the enemy, how he operates, how he thinks, and how he can be decisively defeated. Vis-a-vis most world leaders, I find them, rela­ tive to myself, bumbling amateurs in this matter. I know from much experience what is crucial in detecting and defeating British intelligence operations, including inter­ national terrorism. What is crucial is epistemology, Erkentnistheorie. One must evaluate terrorist prob­ lems in terms of the way in which the enemy and his dupes think, and one must define countermeasures based on that same knowledge. You can not defeat terrorism if you tolerate "environ­ mentalism," for one thing. By tolerating "environment­ alism" you are not only maintaining the support-in-depth of terrorist operations, but you are refusing to establish the epistemological-political criteria, the political dis­ crediting and containment of "environmentalism," which is indispensable to isolating the British networks behind the terrorists as such. Every time a government makes a compromise with "environmentalism," that government is setting itself up for a new wave of inter­ national terrorism, by virtue of the fact that only an anti­ environmentalist mobilization of the majority of the population gives governments the political means to con­ tain and root out the terrorists themselves. If one wishes to stop terrorism, these steps are indis­ pensable: (1) expose British responsibility for inter­ national terrorism; (2) ruthlessly oppose environmental­ ism in favor of nuclear energy-centered, high-technology exports to the developing sector; (3) act in concert to bankrupt the City of London merchant banks, the forces behind terrorism; and (4) root out, with all force re­ quired to accomplish that, all international traffic in hard drugs and marijuana, imposing heavy penalities for individual use of marijuana pending the elimination of the general drug problem. EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW COUNTERINTELLIGENCE 5